Premiership Rugby’s title sponsor Aviva is leading the support for Stonewall’s Rainbow Laces campaign by handing out 32,000 laces this weekend to supporters.
The campaign promotes LGBT inclusion within sport and will see a host of activity from Aviva in partnership with Premiership Rugby and Norwich City FC where Aviva is community partner.
As well as handing out the Rainbow Laces to fans this weekend, they will also be worn by club staff and coaches. Other activity to show support includes Aviva Premiership referees will wear an Aviva Pride logo on their shirts and their assistants will carry Rainbow flags, while there will also be pitch perimeter and programme adverts at all matches supporting Rainbow Laces campaign.
Tom Daniell, marketing director from Aviva, said: “It’s great to be able to work with our partners at Premiership Rugby and Norwich City to champion this fantastic campaign.
“This weekend is a brilliant opportunity to show our support for LGBT players, fans, supporters and staff members.
“As a founder member of Team Pride, Aviva is committed to supporting and raising awareness of LGBT inclusion. We are excited to work with Stonewall to bring our support to life during this important weekend and help make sport everyone’s game.”
Ruth Hunt, chief executive of Stonewall, said: “We’re thrilled that Aviva are doing so much to make this year’s Rainbow Laces week the biggest yet.
“Creating inclusive sporting environments is everyone’s responsibility. It’s not something that can, or should, rest on the shoulders of LGBT people alone so having this level of support for our campaign is absolutely crucial.
“Aviva is a founding Team Pride member, and they have repeatedly shown their commitment to Stonewall’s vision of making sport everyone’s game. Their support is invaluable in helping us to make sport everyone’s game.”