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Learn valuable skills with Tigers NCS

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The National Citizen Service is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make extraordinary friendships, learn the skills and create unforgettable memories. And it all starts at 'Yes'!

If you're aged 16-17 you can make the most of your half-term holiday this October with the Leicester Tigers NCS programme.

Beginning on Friday, October 17, the first 3 days are on a residential trip to PGL Lincolnshire, with activities including rafting, kayaking, orienteering and high ropes.

The there are three ‘skill development’ days held at Welford Road stadium, with guest speakers and and opportunity to develop business, financial and employment skills.

The final part of NCS involves working in groups over the following weekends on a ‘social action project’ in the local community. This could be anything from raising money for charity to refurbishing a community centre. You’ll take full ownership of the project including planning and developing your own strategy using your knowledge of the local community.

“I never used to be a ‘get up and go’ person,” said Tristian Rolfe, a previous participant. “If you’re not either, and if you reckon taking part in NCS would mean you’d be judged or you’d hate the people, then you couldn’t be more wrong.

"I met some of the strongest individuals I think I’ll ever meet – young people who are willing to step out of the stereotype and make a difference and improve themselves.

“We learned, we developed, and we chose our own paths. After all the work we put in over the weeks, I made a difference. It feels amazing.

"NCS changed me – not just my community. NCS means I can say ‘Yes, I am now a get up and go person’.”

For more information see the NCS website www.ncsyes.co.uk/

There are limited spaces on the Tigers NCS programme, and if you have any questions please email [email protected]