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Monthly and weekly winners in TigersLotto

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Congratulations to our latest Weekday Draw winners in the TigersLotto, who each receive £100, and also the £500 Monthly Draw winner. 

Caroline Nash from Loughborough is the TigersLotto £500 winner this month.

The latest £100 winners are:

  • Debbie Holyoak, Leicester
  • Jane Corcoran, Birstall
  • Patrick McDaid, County Durham
  • Christina Meek, Peterborough
  • Sarah Hubbard, Barwell

TigersLotto provides more than 270 chances a year to win great prizes while also helping to support the work of the club’s successful academy set-up.

Alongside the weekday draws, TigersLotto also includes eight monthly £500 draws and four Mega Draws..

Join or renew now for £52 to cover every draw in a whole year.