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Re-live and repeat during league lay-off

The game at Saracens already seems like half a lifetime ago
The game at Saracens already seems like half a lifetime ago

Not even a week into the stand-down and The Tig is wondering when it will ever end.

Patience is a virtue already in short supply – just ask anyone who wasn’t quick enough or selfish enough to stockpile toilet paper.

Last weekend was already set to be a week without Tigers action due to the Cup competition timetable. We’ve had random weekends off before, but this was different.

Instead of looking at the previews, reports and reviews from elsewhere – teams you have an interest in only because you want them to lose or those you want to win only because you want their opponents on the day to lose more – there was nothing.

In fact, there was absolutely nothing, a yawning chasm of nothingness.

The Cup Final was postponed, Six Nations games were postponed, the Gallagher Premiership was inactive and Championship games fell by the wayside too.

In their place there what were we to do for a rugby fix? YouTube is a decent start. And not just for the great games and the great players, but also the great throwbacks. Pick an era, pick a team, pick a player and, in those distant dark days, pick a punch if that’s what floats your boat.


The trouble is, this game is addictive.

Every click leads to another click, every face recalls another face, a try prompts thoughts of another score from another game and therefore another click. The gift that keeps on giving as National Lampoon would, and indeed did, say.

If that’s working from home, The Tig is all over it. Call it research, call it a release from a situation we find ourselves in through no fault on any of us.

And in between the clicks and the grinding of teeth at having no rugby to look out for, let’s all look out for others. Take care. Let’s hope we’re all together again soon – at least in five weeks the weather will be warmer!