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Fantastic new sponsorship opportunities

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We have developed two new exciting opportunities to become a sponsor of Leicester Tigers.

As a sponsor of our Members Club and/or Junior Tiger Club, you will be able to align your business with the Guinness Premiership and EDF Energy Cup champions, and use marketing and sales promotion opportunities as well as full branding within the club, including naming rights of our members' lounge and use of this facility on matchdays.

You will be able to promote your business and products directly to more than 15,000 members and, with sell-out crowds, you will reach an audience of 17,000 supporters at all home games. 

The sponsorship packages will be tailored to meet your specific objectives, but can include match tickets and hospitality for you to entertain your guests in style at Welford Road, plus accreditation in each matchday programme, logos and branding on our website and club literature. 

For information, and to discuss these sponsorship opportunities, please contact Mike Stevens, Commercial Manager, on 0116 2171 293 or via email on [email protected] or Andrea Allen, Events & Hospitality Sales Manager, on 0116 2171 260 or email [email protected]