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Great opportunities with Tigers NCS this summer

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The Leicester Tigers Foundation is giving young people an opportunity to learn new skills, take on exciting challenges and create unforgettable memories on the National Citizen Service this summer.Each NCS programme takes place over four weeks with residential activities, a chance to learn employment skills, guest speakers and the chance to make a difference in the community with a social action project.   Here is an outline of what your four weeks will look like:   Week 1: Residential week of outdoor adventure activities.   Week 2: Stay in university halls of residence and make the most of a chance to learn business, financial and employment skills. Hear from guest speakers and take part in a series of challenges.   Weeks 3 & 4: Plan and deliver a social action project giving back to the local community. Previous groups have put together a fund-raising drive for the Matt Hampson Foundation and redecorated a community centre.   James Cameron has already taken part in the programme and said: "I loved it. The PGL activity weekend was great fun and I was able to try loads of new things I wasn't able to do before. I loved learning new skills and being able to give something back to the community." The first summer programme begins on Monday, July 6, with further intake on July 20 and a final programme starting on Monday, August 3. The Leicester Tigers Foundation's NCS costs £35 per person and more than 100 young people aged 16-17 have already booked their places. If you want to find out more about NCS and what it can offer you, join us at Welford Road stadium, on Monday, May 18 (6-9pm) for our NCS Open Evening. Yu will be able to meet our Foundation team and hear from young people who have completed the scheme before.   For more information on Tigers’ NCS phone Dave or Emma on 0116 217 1320.