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Help all supporters to get the most out of matchdays

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Welford Road attracts the biggest crowds of any club ground during the rugby season and we're delighted that you chose to share you matchday with us. here's out guide to getting the most out of your day here.

We are delighted to see you here at Welford Road for the opening game of the 2014/15 season.
At Tigers we are proud that a day out at Welford Road is seen as a safe, comfortable and enjoyable experience for fans of all ages. We have a number of traditions that we believe make our stadium the best place to watch live rugby. With this in mind we have set out our Tigers Family Traditions that we please ask you all to support.
Tigers Family Traditions
  • We are loud and proud in support of our team
  • We are silent during kicks for goal by both teams
  • We respect the match officials’ decisions regardless of whether we agree with them!
  • We ensure everyone else can see and enjoy the action
  • We are thoughtful of our fellow fans when moving around the stadium
  • We respect the opposition players, supporters and officials
  • We drink responsibly and are mindful of our language
  • Whatever the result, we socialise with our opponents after the game!
If you do have any issues or queries on a matchday, please speak to the nearest steward or a member of the Customer Services team.

Alternatively you can contact us by sending a text message to 88010. Please type TIGERS and your message and one of our team will make every effort to deal with the issue on the day. Each message costs one standard message at your network rate.
Thank you for your support. Enjoy the game.