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History Book update for new season

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A new chapter covering the 2014/15 season and the developments at the club has been added to the Leicester Tigers Official History Book.Compiled by statistician and historian Stuart Farmer and journalist David Hands, the book gained lots of positive feedback on its publication last year and the 12-page update includes profiles of new head coach Aaron Mauger, the summer signings and details of the new West Stand development.   The update has been sized to fit into the back of the book and it is the intention to send one copy free of charge to all who purchased a copy of the book from the publisher’s website.   Additional copies will be available, free of charge, at the Club Shop in early December.   The History Book is also still available to purchase for the special price of £30, with all new purchases including a copy of the update. Buy online at www.rugby-development.org.uk   All the profits from the book are used by the Rugby Development Foundation to support grassroots rugby and, in particular, the Leicester Tigers Academy. You can support them by telling family and friends about the book in the run up to Christmas.