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Join the National Citizen Service with Tigers

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The National Citizen Service is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make extraordinary friendships, learn new skills and create unforgettable memories. It all starts at Yes!

Make the most of your summer holidays with the Leicester Tigers NCS programme, run by Tigers Education over four weeks in the summer holidays for 16 and 17-year-olds.
Your first week is a residential PGL week in Lincolnshire (July 28-August 1) with activities including rafting, kayaking, orienteering and high ropes.
Week 2 (August 4-8) is a residential week at Beaumanor Hall in Leicestershire where you will experience independent living, learn business skills and hear from guest speakers from the Tigers.
Then the final two weeks will involve 30 hours of community social action. Participants will take full ownership of this, planning and developing their own strategy using knowledge of the local community.
There are limited places on the Tigers NCS programme. Click here for more information and to register your interest now. We hope you can join us.