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Make a difference in your summer holiday

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The Leicester Tigers Education team is offering an outstanding opportunity to Year 11 and 12 students across the county to use their summer holidays to good effect and make a difference to their own future and their community.

Tigers have teamed up with Leicestershire Connexions and Leicestershire Education Business Company to deliver the National Citizen Service again this summer following its successful launch last year.

Last year 36 young people took part in the activity with Tigers which included a week’s residential break at an outdoor pursuits centre followed by a further 30 hours working in teams to benefit community initiatives and the Matt Hampson Foundation.

This year’s programme will look to build on that experience and add extra value with a second residential week based at Leicester University to compliment the fun activities at the High Venture park in Cheshire.

Both weeks will create a strong team bond and equip every participant with greater communication, teamwork and enterprise skills to add value to their own CV and life experiences.

The programme ends with a community-focused Social Action 30 hours where teams can put together their newly-developed ideas to make a real difference to a project that has a true meaning to them and their own environment.

“This is a golden opportunity for any 16 or 17-year-old to do something really positive, active and fun during the summer break. Working alongside hundreds of other young people will create a unique atmosphere and allow all to feel they can make a difference to good causes across Leicestershire,” said Scott Clarke, community manager at Leicester Tigers.

“We are delighted to be running Tigers teams again and will be working with schools and colleges to get this opportunity in front of every pupil in Year 11 and 12 in a range of schools.”

Anyone interested in finding out more about the National Citizen Service scheme should visit www.facebook.com/ncsem1 or www.ncsem1.org.uk

Alternatively, phone the Tigers Education team on 0844 856 1880.