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Former Tiger slimming for Matt

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A former Leicester Tigers star is aiming to get fighting fit in aid of the Matt Hampson Trust.

Wayne Richardson made more than 200 appearances for Tigers between 1981 and 1993. In his playing days, the prop weighed in at 17st 5lb but after retiring his weight rose to 22st 1lb.

"My weight ballooned during Christmas and I felt I needed to do something about it," said Wayne. "To help me stay motivated and to set a target, I decided to help Matt Hampson.

"During my playing days, we used to train every day so you could eat a lot but still burn off most of the calories. After I stopped playing, I became much less active but continued to
eat as I used to."

Wayne  is being sponsored to lose four stone and has set the date of July 1 to reach his target.

His new daily regime involves an hour a day of intense work on a rowing machine and exercise bike and he has cut out bread, alcohol and foods high in sugar. These have been replaced by chicken, salads and lots of fruit and vegetables.

"I started dieting in January and have already lost two-and-a-half stone and raised £500," said Wayne. "I've set myself the target of £1,000."

To donate cash or to sponsor Wayne, contact him via e-mail at [email protected]

For more information on the Matt Hampson Trust, check out http://www.matthampson.co.uk/