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Join Deacs & Co for benefit launch

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The official launch of Louis Deacon's benefit year is being hosted at Welford Road with a Pie & Pint Night for supporters in the company of Leicester Tigers players on Wednesday, October 10.

The benefit year website is up and running at http://www.louisdeaconbenefit.co.uk and includes the opening confirmed events and details of the year’s chosen charities. Have a look now and keep an eye for regular updates.

A Kings of Europe dinner in the company of the 2001/02 squad which made rugby history by becoming the first team to lift the Heineken Cup in successive years is also being staged at Welford Road on Wednesday, October 17.

Giants of Tigers history including Martin Johnson, Darren Garforth, Graham Rowntree, Martin Corry, Austin Healey and Ben Kay have confirmed they will be supporting the event, with colleagues from the team that beat Munster on that historic afternoon at the Millennium Stadium just 12 months after conquering Europe for the first time.

Tickets for both opening events are available now from the Louis Deacon benefit website.